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A Capital Investment in Affordable Transitional Housing with Lumina Alliance

A Capital Investment in Affordable Transitional Housing with Lumina Alliance

for sexual assault and intimate partner violence survivors and their children
Project Progress
* click on the exclamation points above to learn about project milestones.

Converting one of Lumina Alliance's existing emergency shelters into affordable transitional housing that will support individuals and families who flee sexual assault or intimate partner violence. With 21 beds, the project will allow more survivors in the Northern San Luis Obispo region to access transitional housing and support services.

A Capital Investment in Affordable Transitional Housing with Lumina Alliance

The Need

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. In one year, this equates to more than 10 million victims.

Transitional housing programs have proven more effective than emergency shelters, helping sexual assault and intimate partner violence survivors establish long-term goals and safe, stable housing. According to the US Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women, "Though emergency shelters can be a source of immediate short-term safety, transitional housing programs offer victims a housing option and supportive services . . . for up to 24 months. It is a safe, affordable option that empowers survivors to begin rebuilding their lives after fleeing abuse."

A Capital Investment in Affordable Transitional Housing with Lumina Alliance

The Outcome

Additional transitional housing units will increase Lumina Alliance’s capacity to provide essential services to survivors and save the organization money.

  • During the 2022-2023 fiscal year, 39 clients, including 23 children, lived in Lumina Alliance’s ten existing transitional housing units. After converting the Paso Robles emergency shelter to transitional housing, we expect to house 21 additional individuals annually.
  • Survivors may reside in Lumina Alliance’s transitional housing units for up to 12 months. Their prorated monthly rent is calculated as 30% of their income, and 10% of the rent paid is set aside in a savings account for them, making the transition to permanent housing easier and more accessible.
  • All program participants can choose to participate in self-sufficiency planning with a Lumina Alliance Advocate. Advocates facilitate access to a full range of services, including a 24-hour crisis & information hotline, individual and group therapy sessions, legal service referrals, case management, skills training, and client financial assistance.
A Capital Investment in Affordable Transitional Housing with Lumina Alliance

The Impact

Lumina Alliance's transitional housing program will impact survivors' long-term access to safe, affordable housing, self-sufficiency, and their ability to heal.

  • Lumina Alliance utilizes empowerment- and evidence-based practices, including motivational interviewing and trauma-informed crisis therapy and intervention, to encourage survivors' development of independence and self-sufficiency.
  • All programming honors survivors' agency and tailors services to individual needs to ensure equitable access and impact across the county.
  • Lumina Alliance Advocates offer follow-up supportive services to clients for at least three months after they exit the program and secure permanent housing.