About The Pitch
The Pitch uses an investment-minded approach to demonstrate the power of collective giving. Over the course of several months, we provide a collaborative space for like-minded organizations to stop, think and plan strategically. Our cohorts receive professional coaching to develop an organizational pitch, are provided visibility and connections, as well as capacity to sustain their growth.
The tools participants receive at The Pitch will not only be applied to this year's event, but will continue to benefit organizations in years to come thereby further strengthening our community's foundation.
To Apply
We encourage non-profit organizations serving San Luis Obispo County to apply to The Pitch. Applications are due May 2nd.
Organizations applying must be a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

How It Works
Non-profit organizations serving needs in San Luis Obispo County are invited to apply. From the applicants, 8-10 non-profit organizations will be chosen to participate. Of these participants, 6-8 will be finalists who will present at The Pitch. Organizations that are not finalists will still be represented at the event and in event collateral.
Each Non-profit organization will be paired with 1-2 coaches. From August through November, participating nonprofits will attend group training sessions.
The Pitch, held on November 6th, is the culmination of months of preparation where finalists present a refined 3-minute pitch. Audience members are given the opportunity to donate directly to non-profit organizations while judges will create 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards.

Program Guide
The Pitch's Program Guide provides additional details on timelines, session overviews, important dates, and expectations. For coaches and participants alike, the Program Guide offers insight into the exciting and innovation program.
2025 Program GuideTo Apply
We encourage non-profit organizations serving San Luis Obispo County to apply to The Pitch. Applications are due May 2nd.
Organizations applying must be a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Pitch provides a unique opportunity for forward-thinking businesses to support and strengthen the non-profit sector in our community. Through a strategic partnership with Must! Charities, sponsors will support a proactive approach to organizations' strategic marketing efforts while also benefiting from a robust benefit package.
Ticket Sales
Tickets to The Pitch will be available in August 2025. The Pitch will be held on November 6th from 5-7pm at Vina Robles Winery Tasting Room on Ramada Drive. To be placed on the waitlist for tickets, please contact Kyle Flaherty at kyle@mustcharities.org.
For More Information
Communications about session and event details, clarification on program overview, and sponsorship may be directed to Kyle Flaherty at kyle@mustcharities.org or 805.286.1879.
The Pitch Committee
- Jacob Allred, SCADA
- Lori Bickel, Community Member
- Morgan Dewar-Voss, JB Dewar
- Courtney McKeever, Whitney, Thompson & Jeffcoach LLP
- Kelly Pope, Community Advocate