Current Projects

An investment in organizational infrastructure, enhancing client services, and optimizing housing facilities to meet the growing needs of survivors in the community.

Empowering Paso Robles Youth Arts to enhance student safety through technology upgrades and building improvements while also investing in staff and staff benefits to support organizational growth.

Empowering individuals through comprehensive food service and culinary training, including the launch of ECHO's sustainable social enterprise venture.

Converting an emergency shelter into affordable transitional housing that will support individuals and families fleeing from sexual assault or intimate partner violence.

The Leadership Alliance provides in-depth professional and personal development to strengthen participants' leadership skills. Creating a supportive group and one-on-one environments for nonprofit leaders encourages participants to be transparent, authentic, and encouraging of one another.

Higher education is important to many students but paying for college can be challenging. The Juan Nevarez Memorial Scholarship provides multi-year, higher education investments in the children of vineyard and winery workers based on academic excellence, financial need, and community involvement.
Past Collaborations

Expand and modernize TMHA's Central Coast Hotline by replacing an outmoded phone system, adding texting capabilities for youth, maintaining the Brief Therapy Clinic program, securing ADA-compliant headquarters, and setting them on track to be a 988 National Lifeline. Encompassing infrastructure, staff, and technology, the project is a tiered approach to rapid expansion of quality services.
Impact: This transformation not only increased capacity and met the needs of thousands in our community but also made the Central Coast Hotline eligible for future state and federal funding, improved retention in the Brief Therapy Clinics, and created an environment of anonymity for volunteers and those utilizing services. Central Coast Hotline # (800) 783-0607
Invested to date: $556,300
- 21st Century Crisis Call Center with Transitions-Mental Health Association (TMHA)

Increase capacity and access to the Boys & Girls Club, which provides affordable after-school care, educational support, leadership development, and guidance for all youth.
Impact: In 2012, from serving 100 youth in one location, the Boys & Girls Club now serves over 6,000 youth in 15 locations across 2 counties after a strategic regional merger. Must! Charities invested in FIVE locations in San Luis Obispo's North County, impacting local children and their families.
Invested to date: $1,485,570
- The Boys & Girls Club of North San Luis Obispo County
- The Boys & Girls Club Summer Expansion Program
- The Boys & Girls Project of North San Luis Obispo County - Atascadero Expansion
- Boys and Girls Club in Shandon
- Tom Maas Clubhouse at Boys and Girls Club
- Boys & Girls Club at Creston Elementary School

Expand both the network of partners served and positive outcomes for our community’s vulnerable populations while building awareness of the diverse nonprofits in SLO County.
Impact: An investment in twelve nonprofits across all sectors of our community. Our support expanded access to the arts, youth mental health, food insecurity, senior services, housing, workforce development, and healthcare. Over 14,000 lives were directly impacted by the collective efforts of these nonprofits: - Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health - City Farm SLO - Family Care Network Inc - Habitat for Humanity SLO - Infinite Music - One Cool Earth - Paso Robles Youth Arts - Restorative Partners' Bridge Cafe - SLO Botanical Garden - SLO Noor Foundation - Smart Share Housing Solutions - Tolosa Children's Dental Center
Invested to date: $129,425

An investment in professional development and training for Paso Robles Youth Arts Center (Youth Arts) staff and governing board during a time of exponential growth and demand for services.
Impact: Leadership that is supported, trained, and has aligned values of its organization, governing board, and staff creates opportunities that ensure long-term viability but also create opportunities that would otherwise not have been identified. Experience has illustrated that when Must! Charities invests in the PEOPLE of organizations, there is no stopping the POTENTIAL of organizations.
Invested to date: $14,800
- Paso Robles Youth Arts Center Leadership Development

Invest in several non-profits addressing critical community needs to prevent further damage to the buildings, which, if not addressed, could result in more significant issues down the line.
Impact: Lumina Alliance shelter remained open and positively impacted the lives of 37 individuals who found refuge in escaping sexual and/or intimate partner violence. ECHO Atascadero was able to maintain full capacity in their family rooms. From homelessness to permanent housing, that is what ECHO can do because of this investment.
Invested to date: $50,000+

Expand Camino Scholars' site-based learning program in the north county by launching a site in Templeton at the Rolling Hills Apartment Complex.
Impact: Launched the first of its kind programming in Templeton that supports educational growth and enrichment for low-income families. In addition to academic focus, invest in enrichment opportunities such as day camps, excursions, and field trips that these kids would not otherwise have access to.
Invested to date: $251,947
- Camino Scholars at Rolling Hills Apartments

Increase operational efficiencies and client success rates and establish the Community Kitchen and Workforce Development Center. The COVID Community Response Project was a must! collaborative project between the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance and ECHO to keep people housed during the pandemic.
Impact: In 2017, ECHO had one location with 50 beds and 6 full time staff with minimal programming. Today there are two year-round locations, 18 full time staff with 120 beds and robust supplemental programs. Averaging between 100-150 people housed annually with a success rate of over 60% of program participants finding permanent housing.
Invested to date: $1,135,000
- El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO)
- A Community Kitchen at El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) ~REVISED!!~
- COVID Community Response Project

Provide structured guidance to actively engage staff and Board of Directors to create a strategic plan to successfully scale and increase operations and program of advocacy for children in the North County.
Impact: In 2016, 60 children from the North County were being served. By 2020, over 775 children had been served through the program, with staff county-wide increasing the use of technology and data and the Board investing in infrastructure to support growth.
Invested to date: $312,650
- CASA - A Path to Sustainability
- CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) - Addressing The Needs Of North County

Increase access and availability of healthy meals, snacks and nutrition education program to residents in their own neighborhoods.
Impact: In 2013, 500 people were fed in the North County. By 2017, over 724,000 snacks and meals were served and over 170,000 lbs of fresh fruit and vegetables were sent home with children.
Invested to date: $267,334
- The Food Bank Coalition - Children's Farmers' Market Expansion
- The Food Bank Coalition's Childrens Programs (Real Food for Real Children)

Increase mentoring opportunities in the North County through investing in infrastructure, marketing and awareness.
Impact: In 2014, 3 children from the North County had a Big Brother or Big Sister. By 2017, over 60 were matched with a mentor, one of which was recognized as the California Big Brother of the Year.
Invested to date: $174,581
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County